Our Halloween/October

Can you believe I’m posting something on time. November 1st. Halloween photos. I’m doing good. πŸ™‚

Here is Rachel posing with our pumpkins. I think these are the first ones. Molly, Caleb’s golden retriever, kept chewing them to bits. NOTE the boots. I called my sister from Target and said, “She’s only six, and her taste in clothes is already driving me crazy!” Response from the mother of three girls, “Get used to it.”

Rachel with pumpkins

Christy, I know, I know. Just get used to it. Just like when we were kids and my clothing choices drove you nuts. πŸ˜‰

Rachel/Little Mermaid and I at a fall festival last week. Rachel had been saying ever since September that she wanted to be Ariel for Halloween. When I saw a costume at Wal-Mart in September, I took her to buy it but told her that we had to put it up until Halloween. She tears all of her dress-up clothes up. She agreed until we were actually buying it. She kept asking if she could put it on when we got home. When I told her “no”. She turned on the pouty face and said, “You never let me do anything!” We had a talk. I did let her and Titus try on their costumes to show Dad before we put them away til the holiday.

Rachel and Kim

There’s an amazing face painter who comes to this fall festival every year. Nice thing about girls: they like getting their faces painted.

Rachel Face Paint

Here is Ninja Titus. He would not wear his costume to the fall festival or to Granny’s office on Friday, but he did wear it Trick or Treating last night. Now he won’t take it off.

Titus ninja

She wanted to pose like this. I don’t know why.

Rachel Trick or Treat

Caleb Tebow. He almost didn’t get candy at one house since Florida beat the Bulldogs here last weekend. πŸ™‚

Caleb Teebo

Eli and me before Trick or Treating last night. Eli wasn’t going to dress up this year. But he needs a costume for an event he’s going to at the library this week, so he changed his mind. πŸ™‚

Kim and Eli

I bought more pumpkins after Molly chewed up the first ones. We kept her from chewing these up until a few days ago. Tommy and Caleb got creative with the one that had a hole chewed in it.

Jack O'Lanterns

A few more photos from the month.

Rachel in Halloween shirt

Titus, Rachel and I went to Nashville to visit my sister early in October. Rachel’s first visit there. Here Titus is introducing Rachel to one of our favorite stops on the Natchez Trace Parkway.

Natchez Trace T & R

Natchez Trace Titus

Rachel’s a city girl, and it showed when we were crossing the stream. She was a little scared. She’s learning though.

Natchez Trace Rachel

Natchez Trace T & R2

Notice their heights. Rachel has grown 3 1/2 inches since she came home! Must be all that meat she’s eating.

Natchez Trace T & R3

Rachel thoroughly enjoyed spending time with her girl cousins. We planned to go to a pumpkin patch, but it rained the whole weekend. We thought about taking the kids somewhere else fun. But they were having so much fun together that we just hung out at my sister’s house. She and I actually got to visit a little. Nice change.

Rachel & cousins

Here you can get a pretty good look at what Rachel did to her hair. One of my cousins sent her a gift card and get well card. Granny took her to spend it. Rachel came home with Rapunzel Barbie. Rapunzel Barbie has hair extensions that snap on and plastic scissors that you can cut them off with. Next day, Rachel found some scissors laying in my room and proceeded to give herself bangs. She did a pretty good job, almost straight across.

Rachel haircut

She wants to let her hair grow out. We had just gotten the front the same length as the sides. When I asked her why she did it. She just said, “I didn’t mean to.” Her dad and brothers have nicknamed her “Haircut” until her hair grows out. 😦

Here is Rachel having her first cup of hot cocoa which she likes.

Rachel hot cocoa

Here she is having her first caramel apple.

Rachel caramel apple

She made herself a bed under the tv cabinet.

Rachel under tv stand

Remember this room a year ago? My friend Renee recently came over, and Rachel wanted her to come to her room. Renee commented, “I remember seeing photos of this room last year. It looked so perfect. Now it looks like a little girl lives here.” Yes, indeed, it does. πŸ™‚

Rachel in room

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